future ex-husband friday!

1 Jul

i’ve been told that i can be commitment-phobic. but hark!  maybe i’m changing my ways since i’ve committed to another week of…

so without further ado, here’s to the second installment of future ex-husband friday! can i get a WHATWHAT!


future ex-husband’s name: random hot laguna beach guy i stalked admired last weekend

future ex-husband’s occupation: windsurfer/rhodes scholar/professional macrame artist

future ex husband’s age: who cares

future ex-husband’s best feature: pretty much everything. duh…

how we fake met: i pretended to drown (inclusive of losing my bikini top in the process) and he saved me from my pretend death

how he fake proposed: in the back of his VW van

number of fake children: none, but we practiced a lot

why our fake marriage fell apart: he found out i could really swim

terms of fake divorce settlement:  he keeps the van


happy friday, y’all!  and happy palm springs weekend to me!

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